How r/Daytrading is Stopping Fake Gurus

Kinfo partners with r/Daytrading to provide true 100% verification to one of the largest trading communities on Reddit.

The war continues

I previously wrote about The War on Furus and how the mission of kinfo is two-fold, explaining that kinfos mission is to provide a platform for true verification to battle furus.

This is easier said than done, especially since a lot of furus may be bad at trading but exceptional at marketing, and it´s easier to fake it than to make it in the world of trading and internet marketing.

Laws and regulations also seem to lag behind and have a hard time keeping up with all the trash coming out every day.

But things are about to change, kinfo has found a new ally to help turn the tides of the battlefield against the furus.

A new ally

r/Daytrading is one of the largest subreddits on Reddit with 1.8m members and in the top 1% ranked by size on all of Reddit. As with the whole trading community, the r/Dayrading has faced problems with furus using false or unbacked claims of profit in posts, often with the purpose of funneling beginners into paid chat rooms or courses.

For some time, there has been requests from the community to provide some type of verification for content providers to be able to filter out what is a legitimate post and not.

I have had a dialogue with one of the mods (u/funkedelic_bob) for about a year. We talked about solutions, the need for verification in r/Daytrading and how kinfo could potentially solve the problem for them.

The real work started just before summer when we decided to evaluate a solution based on linking kinfo with reddit and utilizing a feature in reddit called flairs.

A flair is basically a user tag, an icon with a text, placed next to the username. The goal was to implement the use of a verification flair which would be linked to a users account on kinfo where users can show their verified track record.

An example how the flair looks like when commenting

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A bot & some tech and

The solution we came up with is pretty neat. The first implementation allows users to link their reddit username to their kinfo account in a secure way using reddits official api.

Next, users can apply for the verified flair on r/Daytrading by clicking a button in kinfo.

If approved the user will have the flair attached to their username.

We also created a bot that monitors all posts and creates a sticky comment with relevant verification info and attaches it to the post.

During the discussion we had we faced a number of challenges that had to be dealt with before we could go public. For example, how can we be sure that only verified users get the flair, and how can we be sure that users are still verified after they link their account and get the flair.

The bot continuously monitors linked users and posts and makes sure everything is in order.

Read more about how it works and get your own flair on r/Daytrading.

u/funkedelic_bob provided an example from one of his algo accounts

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This is the way

Last week u/funkedelic_bob made a Mod post in r/Daytrading, explaining how the new verification system works.

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And as huge fan of the TV-series Mandalorian I can´t help but smile that this is the No 2 comment on the post.

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Response to reactions

The feature to link reddit and get the flair on r/Daytrading is available for all users, you can use kinfo on the FREE plan and get started right away.

A few comments suggested that kinfo is fake and the users on kinfo are furus. In response to that I can only say, try it yourself and see if you can fake the data after linking your broker, it´s just not possible and the PnL numbers on kinfo are 100% real & verified against brokers.

Another comment assumed kinfo is selling data to third parties or copy-trading. The answers is no, data isn´t real-time so copy-trading is not possible, and kinfos business model is to sell PRO subscriptions, data is not sold to any third parties.

And lastly, there is no affiliation between kinfo and r/Daytrading or the mods, no one is getting paid anything for it. The partnership is a result of two comunnities working for the same cause and finding synnergies by working together.

What´s next

There are a number of features on the roadmap ahead, especially for PRO users.

Going forward I will continue to focus on improving the platform, broker integration and adding features based on user feedback.

I love getting feedback from users so if you have anything to say, positive, negative or ideas around how I can make kinfo better, please reach out to me.

The best place to reach me is the kinfo discord channel.

Connect here: Kinfo Discord

You can use the comment section below or send an email to karl [at]

Good luck with your trading!

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