The kinfo Trading Journal automatcally journal your trades and displays trading performance statistics and visualizations. The trading journal integrates directly with your broker and updates daily.

Private or Social?
Sharing your data on kinfo is completely optional. You can use kinfo as a private trading journal with sharing completely turned off.
If you want to see how you do against other traders, you can share your trading performance metrics and compete against other traders on the leaderboard.
Sharing is easily changed under settings and can be turned on or off at any time.
What is a Trading Journal?
A trading journal is a must-have tool for any consistent trader. It helps to identify patterns that contribute to wins & losses and will help to improve your trading performance.
Before apps were available, traders would often create a trading journal in Excel. But thanks to technology, users can now enjoy apps like kinfo to do most of the heavy lifting for them and focus on analyzing the outcome.
For an in-depth description, see What is a Trading Journal
Trading Journal OverView
When navigating to the trading journal in the app, you will be presented by view showing your performance and trading performance metrics for each month.
You can scroll down to view and analyze past months and performance.
Detailed monthly trading statistics
The new improved monthly trading journal lets you drill down on each month to see full detailed trading statistics for that month.
The statistics view has a row for each item and colums for how that item contributed to either your wins or your losses.
Gain / Loss
This section holds the most basic trading metrics. Your total gain loss with a beak down on wins and losses. Your average gain and your trades which makes up your inning trades in percent.
Long / Short
This section provides you with a breakdown on long/short trades. In this example most long trades were wins and most short trades were losses. Still positive that most trades overall were short trades which seems like a winning strategy for this user.
Timing is an interesting metric to analyze. As a day-trader, you may hold a stock for a few seconds to a few hours or overnight. Is there a pattern to your holding times? Did you hold your winning trades longer or shorter time than your losing trades?
And at what time of day do you enter your winning and loosing trades?
Best / Worst Trades
Did you take a heave loss on an individual trade? Don´t worry, most traders do, though it´s important to be able to go back and identify those trades and review what went wrong. With the Best/Worst trades view you can navigate to those trades and view the details.
Symbols by Trades
This view shows your top 10 most traded symbols with a break-down whether they were winning or loosing trades.
It´s best used to look for improvement areas. In this case MIST and SRNE, one the top 10 list but all loosing trades, what happened there?
Symbols by Volume
Number of trades gives a good first glance but not necessarily the whole picture, since volume can differ between trades. The symbols by volume view gives you instead the top 10 most trades symbols by volume.
The total volume is made up of both wins and losses.
Learn more
What is a Trading Journal
Learn more about how you can utilize kinfo as an automated trading journal
Creating a trading journal in Excel
Learn how to create a trading journal in Excel with a dynamic dashboard