Reach your full potential with kinfo PRO

Earn money by driving traffic and prompting sales to the best social trading platform


PRO Features


Priority Sync

PRO accounts are synced with priority, metrics are available early morning next day


Advanced Reports

Analyze metrics & performance per broker, account, time-of-day, tickers and more


Data Export

Export data to CSV to import into other tools or to Excel for futher analyzis



Follow trends and see the most popular tickers traded by the community, 


Lock Tickers

Lock tickers and hide positions from public views and FREE users


Add Notes

Add notes, screenshots, tags and other useful information to keep track of trades


Sharing Options

Set additional sharing options such as setting a starting point for tracking


Priority Support

PRO subscribers gets priority support when help is requested through chat  or email


Custom Periods

Select from more periods & set your favourite periods on both web and in the app


Add Tags

Add tags to trades to follow up on setups, mistakes, emotions or anything you like


Unlock Tickers

Unlock tickers to see details from top traders on the leaderboard


Full History

View full trading history from other traders who share their performance

PRO+ Features


Spread Detection

Automatically detect option spreads and adjust trading metrics


Hide Trades

Keep a public profile and hide trades from all users


Excel Integration

Import data directly into Excel, refresh with the click of a button and avoid copy-pasting

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Stay Ahead of the Game

With priority sync your trades are available at 6AM every morning, ready for review before market opens for the day. You can also view a summary of the tickers everyone else is trading.

Powerful Insights

With advanced reports and trade analytics you can drill down to see performance on an account level and various other dimensions. Find your strengths and weakneseses to improve.

Sharing & Support

As a PRO subscribers your will always get first in line when you need support. You will also get access to set additional sharing options such as starting point of your trading